The Cry Lounge
The Cry Lounge
What is THE CRY LOUNGE's writing retreat under 8 minutes!

What is THE CRY LOUNGE's writing retreat under 8 minutes!

Embark on a dreamy writing journey✨

A serene 5-week writing retreat, specially crafted to take the pressure off and help you embrace your unique writing process. It's the perfect antidote to the hustle and bustle of NaNoWriMo, offering a gentle and calming environment that encourages your creativity to flourish.

more details here

This retreat is designed to be a warm and inclusive writing experience where you can be yourself, create, and connect with fellow writers. Our journey together includes co-writing sessions, workshops, feedback & reading meetups, and even 1-on-1 consulting with yours truly, Bonnie Orbison, for those who need it. I understand that every writer's journey is unique, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Now, I know that creativity can be a fickle friend. Writer's block, self-doubt, and lack of inspiration can strike at the most inconvenient times. But fear not! This retreat is designed to help you unlock your creativity. I'll share tips, strategies, and the value of letting your mind wander because, let's be honest, dreaming counts as writing too.

Ready to join me for 5 weeks of writing bliss? The doors are wide open for you, but they won't stay that way for long - doors are closing this Friday, October 27th. Make this retreat your creative sanctuary.

Sign up here!

watch the video version here:

hosted by Bonnie Orbison (@bonnieorbison | @howdyitsbonnie) (@thecrylounge on Instagram & TikTok)

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