The Cry Lounge
The Cry Lounge
you are invited: co-write & create every friday this month

you are invited: co-write & create every friday this month

strucute & moire details on free co-writing sessions

For the entire April, doors to weekly co-writing sessions are open for everyone to join! Bring a poem, an idea, a blank page, an entire outline or just simply your imagination & let’s write together!

Join us this Friday at 4pm EST / 1pm PST / 10pm CEST

In this episode, I talk more about how these sessions are structured and also give ideas how you can split up the time in drafting and editing, etc.

sign up here (for all sessions or only selected):

Would love to see you there :)

The Cry Lounge
The Cry Lounge
indie publishing studio by Bonnie Orbison
doors to our writing retreat from October 29th - December 3rd are open now!